Thursday, January 31, 2013

Have you ever played football with your classmates or your teacher? :: Czech4You

In our Czech lessons is it possible :-)


Do you know game "Verbal football"?
You can play this game with your classmates or your teacher in our Czech lessons :-)
Aim of the game is practice your Czech vocabulary.
The principle is quite simple…Do you want to know more?

Visit us :-)

Our Czech lessons are not only about textbooks, our lessons are also about fun!

Czech4You Language Centre is in the Ostrava-Center.

Read more:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Czech4You Language Centre has Open Days 29.1. - 1.2. 2013! :: in Ostrava

If you are interested in Czech language courses/Individual lessons .... Please, visit us!  

We would like to invite you to our Open Days 29.1. - 1.2.2013 
Every day  from 8:00 - 10.00  and  from  15:00 - 17:00 

You can look into our classroom, to our textbooks, you can ask what you want to know about Czech lessons, and so on.

You are welcome!
Your Czech4You
Czech for joy :-)

Read more:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Czech lessons for foreigners in Ostrava - Czech4You Language Centre has a new classroom :-)

Czech4You Language Centre has a new classroom in the Ostrava-Center, Street Dr. Šmerala 6.

Application form and more information about Czech language courses/Individual lessons for foreigners are on  our website

If you are interested in Czech language, please visit us!

You are welcome :-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Czech for Foreigners - New classroom in the Ostrava-Center

We are happy to announce that we will have a new classroom in the  Ostrava-Center, Street Dr. Šmerala 6 from 28th January 2013!

We would like to invite you to our Open Days 29.01. - 1.02.2013 
Every day  from 8:00 - 10.00  and  from  15:00 - 17:00 

You are welcome :-)

Your Czech4You

Czech for joy :-)

More info about our Czech lessons:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Czech lessons with individual approach :-) Lekce českého jazyka s individuálním přístupem ! ::

You don‘t like a lot of people in your Czech language course? Do you feel that your teacher doesn’t give you so much attention as you wish? Do you prefer an individual approach to teaching of the Czech language?  We can prepare our Czech lessons according  to your needs. Come to us and try our Czech lessons!

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Your Czech4You

Czech for joy :-)

Lekce českého jazyka s individuálním přístupem!

Nemáte rádi výuku českého jazyka ve velkých skupinách? Cítíte, že se Vám učitel nevěnuje dostatečně? Přijďte k nám, nabízíme individuální přístup ke studentům. Studium českého jazyka je v malých skupinách, max. 6 osob. Dále nabízíme také individuální lekce českého jazyka, které rádi přizpůsobíme Vašim potřebám. 

Pro více informací nás prosím kontaktujte: