Wednesday, June 26, 2013


by Marie Sládková

While sitting here in classroom in Ostrava's Czech4You Language Centre, I've come to realise how much my life has changed since I started teaching Czech.  I currently have students from countries such as Australia, Egypt, USA, Venezuela, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, China and Spain. I enjoy teaching very much because I like working with people and communicating with them.
Learning a new language might not be all that easy, but there are many benefits indeed. Many people learn languages for many different reasons. I am writting a few of really good reasons why you should start to learn a new language – Czech language. :-)
The first reason -  you'll have a lot of culture. If you know another language, you'll be more cultured simply because this would permit you to travel more and understand more. You'll also learn new ways of expressing yourself and understanding how things work.
The second reason - you'll discover new. Many doors will open for you once you start. You'll be able to meet other people thanks to your new language. No one knows where life will take us, and knowing this new language might just make your life completely different.
The third reason - people will like you :-) This sounds very self-serving, but what I mean is that they will enjoy your presence. People like people with knowledge, whom they can learn from. People like hearing interesting stories from other countries, so by telling them about your travels and experiences with your new language can be interesting for them.
The fourth reason -  you'll develop your mind. By learning, you exercise your brain. When you learn a new language, you need to put words and verbs together, which works your brain. You'll be very good at associating other things as well.
The fifth reason - why you should learn another language is because it's fun. Learning a language isn't easy, but by enjoying the experience and turning it into an interactive game you can truly have a lot of fun. 
My creative and always cheerful student Nico from Malaga (Spain)

The sixth reason - you will definitely develop new friendships :-)
We all say: I'll learn new language after I retire or I'll start learning this when I finish that..., I'll start next year....  But if you don't get moving now, then you'll probably never start.
Now is the time to start studying a new language, not later. You'll benefit from knowing this language sooner than later.
So, if you could start tomorrow, what language would you want to learn?

More info about Czech lessons:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

We have students from Italy, Great Britain, USA, Canada, China, Australia, Venezuela, Poland, China, Egypt, Spain, Greece and Netherlands.

Maybe you are missing your country in our list :-)......join us :-)

Our CZECH LESSONS are here for you :-)

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jazykové centrum Czech4You v Ostravě

Výuka češtiny pro cizince v Ostravě

Výuku češtiny pro cizince nabízíme ve dvou formách,  výuku skupinovou (kurzy českého jazyka) a individuální lekce.

Výuka skupinová - zaměřujeme se na malé skupiny (max. 6 osob), jelikož chceme, aby výuka byla co nejefektivnější a učitel se mohl plně věnovat jednotlivým žákům.

Skupinové kurzy češtiny pro cizince:  
  • půlroční kurzy (únor 2013 - červenec 2013, říjen 2013 - únor 2014) 
  • celoroční kurzy (říjen 2013 -  červenec 2014)
  • víkendové kurzy v Ostravě
  • letní intenzivní kurzy (červen, červenec, srpen, září 2013) 
  • intenzivní kurzy českého jazyka v Beskydech
  • kurzy dle vašich potřeb - např. česká konverzace             

Individuálních lekce - patří mezi nejintenzivnější formu jazykového vzdělávání, učitel se plně věnuje studentovi. 

Výuka je možná, jak u klienta, tak v naší učebně v centru Ostravy na ulici Dr. Šmerala 6 (budova Českého rozhlasu), nedaleko Masarykova náměstí.
Klienti se mohou kdykoliv  do učebny podívat, prodiskutovat možnosti výuky (učebnice, ze kterých budeme  látku probírat, dohodnout se na výuce ránodopoledne, odpoledne, večerv učebně, u klienta v zaměstnání apod.).

Rovněž nabízíme individuální výuku přes program Skype.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Services for foreigners, guide services, trips in Ostrava and its surroundings

We assist you and interpret everything what you need at the Foreign Police or at local authorities....when you will have problem with your visa, health insurance and so on. 
Do you have a visitor and you don't know what to show her/him in Ostrava and its surroundings? Historical places, technical sightsmuseumsart galleries and more. We offer guide services, full-day and half-day trips in the Ostrava's area. 
Please contact us!

Silesian-Ostrava Castle


Music festival Colours of Ostrava


                                      Beskydy mountains

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Are you going to the doctor? :: Czech4You

Tell your doctor what’s wrong with you.
He asks you questions about your body..... Do you know what hurts you?

Read more:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Map - Czech4You Language Centre in the Ostrava-Center

Czech for Foreigners in Ostrava-Center

                                                              Read more:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Have you ever played football with your classmates or your teacher? :: Czech4You

In our Czech lessons is it possible :-)


Do you know game "Verbal football"?
You can play this game with your classmates or your teacher in our Czech lessons :-)
Aim of the game is practice your Czech vocabulary.
The principle is quite simple…Do you want to know more?

Visit us :-)

Our Czech lessons are not only about textbooks, our lessons are also about fun!

Czech4You Language Centre is in the Ostrava-Center.

Read more:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Czech4You Language Centre has Open Days 29.1. - 1.2. 2013! :: in Ostrava

If you are interested in Czech language courses/Individual lessons .... Please, visit us!  

We would like to invite you to our Open Days 29.1. - 1.2.2013 
Every day  from 8:00 - 10.00  and  from  15:00 - 17:00 

You can look into our classroom, to our textbooks, you can ask what you want to know about Czech lessons, and so on.

You are welcome!
Your Czech4You
Czech for joy :-)

Read more:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Czech lessons for foreigners in Ostrava - Czech4You Language Centre has a new classroom :-)

Czech4You Language Centre has a new classroom in the Ostrava-Center, Street Dr. Šmerala 6.

Application form and more information about Czech language courses/Individual lessons for foreigners are on  our website

If you are interested in Czech language, please visit us!

You are welcome :-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Czech for Foreigners - New classroom in the Ostrava-Center

We are happy to announce that we will have a new classroom in the  Ostrava-Center, Street Dr. Šmerala 6 from 28th January 2013!

We would like to invite you to our Open Days 29.01. - 1.02.2013 
Every day  from 8:00 - 10.00  and  from  15:00 - 17:00 

You are welcome :-)

Your Czech4You

Czech for joy :-)

More info about our Czech lessons:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Czech lessons with individual approach :-) Lekce českého jazyka s individuálním přístupem ! ::

You don‘t like a lot of people in your Czech language course? Do you feel that your teacher doesn’t give you so much attention as you wish? Do you prefer an individual approach to teaching of the Czech language?  We can prepare our Czech lessons according  to your needs. Come to us and try our Czech lessons!

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Your Czech4You

Czech for joy :-)

Lekce českého jazyka s individuálním přístupem!

Nemáte rádi výuku českého jazyka ve velkých skupinách? Cítíte, že se Vám učitel nevěnuje dostatečně? Přijďte k nám, nabízíme individuální přístup ke studentům. Studium českého jazyka je v malých skupinách, max. 6 osob. Dále nabízíme také individuální lekce českého jazyka, které rádi přizpůsobíme Vašim potřebám. 

Pro více informací nás prosím kontaktujte: