Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Study for foreigners at Czech universities for free! :: Czech4You Ostrava - Czech for Foreigners in Ostrava

Study at Czech universities for free! :: Czech4You

Do you know that you can study at Czech universities for free, if you know Czech language?
For foreign students studying in the Czech language at Czech universities are  the same study rules like for Czech students.

Study in Czech language is free.

Read more: www.czech4you.cz

Monday, November 5, 2012

Czech Art Nouveau painter – Alfons Mucha :: Czech4You Ostrava

Famous Mucha‘s work: Slav Epic is in Prague, now!
20 monumental canvases depicting Slavic mythology is now on display at the National Gallery's Veletržní Palace and will be for the next two years. So, if you will have time… the exhibition is waiting for you :-)
Pictures  and information about exhibition you can find here.

Read more: http://www.czech4you.cz/news/czech-art-nouveau-painter-alfons-mucha-/