Thursday, December 20, 2012

Czech lessons online via Skype -

Modern technologies brings to you new opportunity to learn Czech language online via Skype!
Take your Czech lessons from the place that is most convenient for you (in your home or in your office). 
Skype lessons can be scheduled according to your possibilities (in your free time, etc.).
How our online Czech Skype lessons work?
Before each online lesson I will send learning documents to you, where you can find everything you will need for our next lesson – explanation of grammar, texts and exercises. 
Try first lesson for free!
You can take this free lesson without any obligation.

We are starting in January 2013!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Study for foreigners at Czech universities for free! :: Czech4You Ostrava - Czech for Foreigners in Ostrava

Study at Czech universities for free! :: Czech4You

Do you know that you can study at Czech universities for free, if you know Czech language?
For foreign students studying in the Czech language at Czech universities are  the same study rules like for Czech students.

Study in Czech language is free.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Czech Art Nouveau painter – Alfons Mucha :: Czech4You Ostrava

Famous Mucha‘s work: Slav Epic is in Prague, now!
20 monumental canvases depicting Slavic mythology is now on display at the National Gallery's Veletržní Palace and will be for the next two years. So, if you will have time… the exhibition is waiting for you :-)
Pictures  and information about exhibition you can find here.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Czech language courses/Czech individual lessons in Ostrava

Czech for Foreigners

Do you want to know Czech culture, Czech habits and Czech language?

Please, visit our webpage

Czech for joy :-)

Czech language courses/Czech individual lessons in Ostrava

Znáte cizince, který by se rád naučil náš rodný český jazyk, poznal českou kulturu?

Navštivte prosím naši stránku  :-)

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Czech language courses/Czech individual lessons in Ostrava

Czech language courses/Individual lessons/Services for foreigners

We organize Czech language courses for groups (max. 6 people), as well as individuals.

Our Czech for Foreigners courses are for all people who are interested in the Czech language. 

Our courses and lessons are designed for beginners, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced students.